Q: How long does it take for my dedicated server to be fully provisioned and online?
A: Dedicated servers ordered, paid for and verified will be set up with in 24 hours of the completion of this process. If your order has any special customization, then it may take up to 3 days for the server to be fully provisioned.

Q: Do you provide managed servers and/or services?
A: We only provide unmanaged, dedicated servers.

Q: Do you provide volume discounts?
A: If you are looking for more than 10 dedicated servers or expect to grow past this number Cloud South can provide discounted pricing, please contacts [email protected] for more information.

Q: What are the hours of your support team?
A: We offer 24/7 support and have staff ready to assist you at any hour and any day of the week. Simply open up a support ticket via the client portal, or give us a call (877-336-7747) to reach our support team.

Q: Do you provide backup services?
A: We do not offer backups at this time as a part of our normal server offering.  We recommend our clients to always have a combination of offsite & onsite backups of their data.

Q: What version of Java do I need to access the IPKVM console?
A: You will need to install Java 7 in order to access the IPKVM console correctly. Also, the Java Security Settings must be set to Medium in order to bypass the security exceptions for the IPKVM.

Download Java 7 here

Q: Why can’t I submit attachments inside the support tickets?
A: We have disabled the feature of adding attachments to our support tickets for security reasons. However, if you’d like to submit a screenshot, we recommend using https://prnt.sc and then sharing the link in the ticket.

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